Toddler Bedtime Struggles

Toddler Bedtime Struggles

Let’s be real… bedtime is a struggle for most parents. Especially when we hit that toddler phase! It can get a bit confusing as to, why does my baby fall asleep so fast one night and is up all night the other? 

It’s a valid question! And it can be so hard to understand. Here we are going to discuss some issues that start arising around the toddler stage. These issues can look like sleepwalking, early waking, nightmares, snoring and much more! I also want to dive into some of the reasons your toddler may be having these sleep problems. If you are a parent finding yourself questioning some of these things and what to do so your little AND you can get some good sleep, keep reading!


If sleepwalking is a current struggle in your household, don’t fret! Sleepwalking and even talking are fairly common in the toddler stage. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do about this issue because your kids will grow out of it! The best thing you can do is make sure your toddler is getting enough sleep as sleepwalking can be a sign of not enough sleep. We also suggest making sure that the house is properly childproofed and safe for your little one.

Early Waking

This can be no fun! Wanting that peaceful sleep on maybe that one day you can sleep in during the week. Or maybe even you didn’t get to bed till late last night so you are sleeping right up to that alarm… Well good morning! Toddlers often wake up bright and early and search for all the attention. The best thing we recommend to do for this situation is try and put your little to bed a little later than normal. This will allow them to sleep in maybe a little longer and provide some more peace in those morning times!


Nobody enjoys nightmares. Especially a little who is not quite sure what is happening. For a toddler this looks like waking up early in the morning or in the middle of the night crying. During the REM stage of sleep your toddler’s brain is processing everything they have seen that day, including the scary stuff. The scary stuff can be as simple as hearing a loud noise when they were outside playing that day. It can be hard for a toddler to process. When this happens, toddlers have trouble separating their dreams from reality and may even struggle getting out what scared them in their nightmare. The best thing to do is explain to them what happened, and their brain just got a little confused between what's real and what's not. Comfort as needed and try to get them back to sleep. 


Yup… just reading the word makes me hear the sound of snoring. No one enjoys it! Whether you are the one snoring or the one sleeping near the one snoring. The crazy thing is, even your toddler can snore just like a grown up. Most causes of hearing this in toddlers is allergies, a stuffy nose, or even swollen tonsils. If your child is snoring here and there- see if elevating their head helps. If you have that weird feeling that your toddler is stopping breathing when they suddenly stop breathing- this could be sleep apnea. This is when it would be a good time to bring it up to your pediatrician to move forward on some next steps.

Is your toddler ultimately struggling to just fall asleep, do a self check and look at these Causes of Toddler Sleeping Problems and see if any of these are something your little does. If so, don’t be afraid to make the changes if need be!

  • Too much screen time

  • Overstimulation

  • Trying to put toddler to bed when they are not tired

  • Separation anxiety

  • Teething

  • Not consistent nap times

  • Sharing the bed