5 Questions to Ask Your Child’s School about Mental Wellness

“If only I would have known how much they were struggling.”

“If only I could have been told that they needed someone.” 

“If only someone from the school had resources for mental wellness.” 

These “if only” statements are beginning to become more and more popular by parents or guardians about their child in today’s society. You hear of parents suffering after finding out their child is mentally struggling, and sometimes you even hear of parents suffering after they found out their child has taken their own life- left  wondering what they could have done better to save them. 

Today, suicide is the leading cause of death among youth ages 10-24 in Colorado. While your child may seem far away from this age or they may even be right in the middle, it is time to take action. Parents and schools should have the ability to come together and promote wellness in a physical, emotional and mental aspect. 

Back- to- school is right around the corner for some kids. You as a parent may also be preparing for your little to start school this August. It can be scary! But there are some precautions you can take this year to create a positive parent- school relationship, and make sure your child is being taught all the mental wellness tips they need. To ensure your child is given what they need at school, including all the other children, asking some questions to the school can make it easier to combat any future issues. 

5 Important questions to ask:

  1. Are there any bullying policies? 

  2. What is in place to teach social skills? Emotional skills? Mental wellness skills?

  3. What is the school doing to facilitate peer interactions?

  4. How are we as parents being informed if a teacher refers their child for behavioral services?

  5. Who can I contact if my child is needing more?

So, as your child begins setting in this school year, don’t forget to reach out and ask some questions. This ensures you are giving your child everything they deserve. Don’t be a parent asking the “if only” question someday, take time to prevent issues now. 

Most importantly, never let your child forget how loved they are by you as we approach a new season!

