3 Ways to Keep Your Kids Busy This Summer

Have you recently been trying to create some fun summer activities for your little ones? If you are anything like me, I have a bucket list full of things I want to do in the summer, and most of the time those things are not accomplished. I blink, and the leaves are changing, the temperature is dropping, and it is time to prepare for the cold months. This happens to me every… single... summer. But- we can always at least attempt to prepare things we can do during these sunny days and how to make fun things actually happen, especially for your baby! So, to help you prepare i’ve pieced together some things to do just that!

  1. Have a routine

One of the biggest things to help you accomplish your goals this summer AND have fun is to make sure you and your family have a routine as much as possible. Although, I get it- summer is for relaxing and traveling so it can be more difficult than usual. By implementing a routine into your lifestyle, your little one can have so much more energy and capacity to learn and partake in all the activities throughout the day, not to mention, you! To be the best parent you can be, take care of yourself within this routine! One thing I recommend is meal planning at the beginning of the week. This way you are fully stocked on nutritious options to keep you and your family feeling the best.

2. Fun sensory games

Sensory games are one of the best parts of summer for your kiddo because you can be way more creative! Sensory games are good no matter the age, as they can be customizable to the safest and most effective for each specific child. You can head on over to our instagram page to see some options we have created. Some other fun options are “frozen dinosaur eggs,” “beach sensory play,” “shaving cream and bubble wrap play.”

3. Let them play!

One of the hardest things to do as parents is to watch your child get themselves so dirty in a pile of mud after they have just been bathed, or make a mess in the kitchen after it was just wiped spotless. While this is frustrating we cannot expect our children to sit down and focus when you created this sensory bin masterpiece. Both forms of play are SO important to your child's growth and creativity! 

Overall, this summer is a great opportunity for you and your little one to learn and grow- however that looks to you. Teaching your kids to clean up after playtime and having boundaries for yourself can be necessities to create the environment you want. We hope these resources are helpful to you throughout these next warm few months!

1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6378489/

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5991261/